about me!

I’m Flavio Giobergia, assistant professor at Politecnico di Torino (🇮🇹). My research interests concern pretty much anything machine and deep learning-adjacent! You’ll find the pdf version of various of my latest publications on this website. On top of that, I’m rather fond of teaching – once again, you’ll find relevant contents (teaching material, thesis proposals) scattered around this website – check it out!

I tend to try to balance my life as a researcher with a life in the outdoors as best I can. Among other things, I try to spend my free time hiking 🥾, mountaineering 🏔 and climbing 🧗‍♂️, as well as paragliding 🪂!

I have already tried $n$ times to collect my works and interests in a single place, but you know what they say: the $(n+1)^{th}$ time is the is the charm (: